Wales-based artist/maker, Ruth Packham, made a felt out of Welsh wool and created birds the below. Some birds had magnets added, so people could move them around a painted magnetic wall. I was invited to create animations responding to the work.
1.06s (Sped up for reference) An animation played on loop throughout the night on the wall. Replicating people moving the birds around before taking a life of it's own.
20s. This is from the main felt of cutouts, animating them flocking away and coming back. Projected onto the felt on the wall, and a performer for the end performance.
14s (snippet). Birds as particles with expressions in After Effects. This was projected onto gathered rocks, then performers themselves.
1.09s.Timelapse of the magnetic birds over April 2022.
Part of the exhibition space. Cardiff M.A.D.E.
Each animation was projected at various parts of a live performance with a handheld projector, inlcuding on the exhibition, the performers and props.